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My Projects

School and competition projects ~

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based on the concept of a real life zombie, otherwise known as Opiocordyceps Unilateralis Fungus.


Known to prey on Carpenter ants , have now evolved and seek to find better modes of transport to get to their ideal enviroment to reporduce.


they have now choosen to hijack the brains of animals thar help them commute across populated lands and uncrossable seas, all to ensure the spieces survival.


with its kind spreading the world like the plauge.

it goes to show how this fungus have evolved into a speices that triumps others.



Reaching Acceptance 

Medium: oil on canvas , wood , strings & wire

Dimensions: 80 x 90 cm


Reaching acceptance highlights the stages of losses and how one copes with the aftermath of traumatic experiences, driven by the overwhelming power of darkness, it enables one to act impulsively on dangerous emotions.

My work depicts the process of growing stronger in the face of adversity and rising from the abyss to fill the hole left behind. To then evetually reach the stage of acceptance.

Hence, the intensity of the overflowing strings and wires flowing from the wooden board , this is to convey the idea of building yourself back up from the gapping emptiness that one feels.

With each string that is tied it represents the progression that one makes during recovering to normality, while the wires represent the idea of how pain is felt during the recovery process. That with each meticulous string and wire that is tied to fill the hole , one may eventually reach the stage of acceptance when their emptiness is filled completely.

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Old, New Singapore

A portrayal of old transitioning into the blossoming metropolis singapore is today.


Childlike Wonder 

Medium : oil on canvas , threads 

Dimensions : 200 x 190 cm 


As kids we benefit from the security our parents provide. Children do not experience this “ void “ we as adults seem to experience in this day and age.


We are protected by the bubble security our parents worked so hard to shelter us in.


Not having to worry about putting food on the table or keeping a social standing. Everything just seemed so happy and colourful back in those early days.


However, as we mature into adults, this bubble eventually pops, and adult problems slowly replace childlike happiness, which then turmoils into the void we all experience today.


All these problems seem to spiral constantly, and the hopes of filling this void seem like an impossible feat. 


My work hopes to bring you a little colour to your life and relieve you of the stresses of the world, hoping to return a piece of childlike wonder to you.

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Rebooting in progress... 

Medium : mixed media & print

Dimensions : 65 x 76 x 168 cm ( vol )


The mind is an amazing computer , to reboot one's mind means to overcome the adversity you face with strength and determination your mind will be rebooted and rewired to a clean new slate , ready to take on anything that comes your way.

Similar to computers when there's too much info we tend to overthink and eventually crash and breakdown this is represented in the circular glitched texts similar to what one will see when a computer hangs and stops functioning.

To prevent this from happening we need to cleanse and reboot our mind, and in doing so we can to aproach this obstacle with a much clearer mindset in which the silver lining is much more prominent.

To illustrate this reboot I chose to incorporate shapes as depicted in our very foam hand wash especially in the colour white to showcase the “ start “ of a clean new slate where one can be impacted by different colours influencing their lives.

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